Mastodon for Posties. (pour Agent des postes.)
This server has been monitored since 2 weeks ago with uptime of 100.00%
Detected language of this server is English
Server looks to be located in Toronto Ontario Canada
Server last checked 5 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign up
Mastodon for Canadian postal workers. Join a safe space to connect, share, and build community. A dedicated space for postal workers to connect, communicate, and support each other.
This server runs mastodon software, version 4.3.0This server has been monitored since 2 weeks ago with uptime of 100.00%
Detected language of this server is English
Server looks to be located in Toronto Ontario Canada
Server last checked 5 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign up
Uptime & Speed
User Stats
Action Stats
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