This server has been monitored since 3 months ago with uptime of 89.28%
Detected language of this server is Japanese
This server uses a CDN to block its actual location, you should investigate where the actual server is located before using
Server last checked 43 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign upThis website using a GreenHost
LTLが無い汎用サーバーです。18歳未満は登録できません。隠れ家の独自機能が使えます。 連合先とのやり取りや、静かに壁打ちできることを重視します。詳しくはdoc.misskey.cityをご確認ください。
This server misskey.city runs misskey software, version 2024.9.0This server has been monitored since 3 months ago with uptime of 89.28%
Detected language of this server is Japanese
This server uses a CDN to block its actual location, you should investigate where the actual server is located before using
Server last checked 43 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign upThis website using a GreenHost
Uptime & Speed
User Stats
Action Stats
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Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer
Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer
Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer